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“I reached out to Lorraine to help me heal a health problem and a belief that was liniting me in several ways.

Together we decided that Akashic Healing sessions would be more suitable on this occasion than EFT/Matrix. I had never had Akashic Clearing.

Suffice to say, three sessions later I am overjoyed that I proceeded with Akashic process.

From the start I felt safe and had complete trust in the comforting space Lorraine creates with her gentle and supportive presence.

What followed was an incredible non-stop flow of pertinent and accurate behavioural descriptions relating to known and felt memories, beliefs, values, connections, and life events. All appearing to emerge spontaneously to be recognised, acknowledged, and cleared/ healed.

It was magical to observe the insights and witness the changes in real time from the ripple of healing in between the sessions in myself and those around me.

Two days after my third session, I felt lighter and had more energy that I have had for years. I was conscious that previous triggers were no longer influencing me. I noticed that sabotaging behaviours had disappeared and challenges previously appearing as ‘massive’ are now incidental. I was focussed and motivated.

Curiously, in the same time span, unexpectedly two ‘doors’ opened to exciting opportunities as well. Opportunities I now feel resourced to explore.

Writing this, five days after my third session, I am in awe of the positive shifts and changes in my health, my perspective, my interactions, and behaviours.

Suffice to say I am immensely grateful to have been able to benefit from Lorraine’s skills and amazed at the power of this healing/ clearing experience.

Much respect and gratitude. S S

"Thank you, Lorraine, for the amazing Akashic Record Healing. As soon as we connected the relevant issue came to me. Every program you found resonated with me as did the corresponding frequencies. It was very much following a theme - and it cleared stuff I was aware needed clearing. I felt very tired after the healing session but now feel more motivated than before. We will see how these clearings manifest into my reality. Thank you for your loving yet professional approach. I felt fully supported and in very capable hands throughout.

Lorraine's services are invaluable especially at this time of The Great Awakening when we are all being asked to do this "inner work" in order to raise the frequency of the collective by raising our own. I highly recommend Lorraine's Healing Sessions."

Deborah Jane Sutton

"I have come to trust Lorraine Butterfield for her genuine gift of connecting with Spirit. I enjoy her card updates, but the true gift came with a session that we held on behalf of my daughter, accessing my daughter's Akashic Records.

Lorraine was able to see, and with the support of her guides, clear past life traumas that were impacting my daughter in this current lifetime. Afterwards, I was able to see a difference in my daughter, through her behaviours, attitudes and openness to life and her own spirituality.

Lorraine has a true gift, and she handles it responsibly and professionally. I personally work with a lot of light workers, and Lorraine is one I will continue to keep coming back to.

Dr. Ruth Anderson

Founder, Enlightened World Network"

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