The Soul Reconnected - A Beautiful Healing Journey
My latest client is someone who thought that they would never know what it was like to feel emotions or feel anything.
I started working with this wonderful lady who is very gift and talented but had spent a lifetime of numbness.
When she first came to me, it was to work with insomnia, knee pain and Candida and oh my goodness, what a journey we have been in in the Akashic Records.
My client told me nothing about her background (there is generally no need as it will be shown). It brought up so much trauma that the client experienced as a child and showed me where the trauma was held. My client had been beaten as a child from the age of 5 by parents who believed this was a way of instilling discipline. This showed up a few sessions in, when the Guides showed me that her soul had disconnected from the physical body from being beaten. They insisted on reconnecting the soul and sewing her soul back. It had been far too painful for her to feel into her physical being. Hence the numbness.
We continue to work to unpack all of these energies within the Akashic Records with the Guides and Angels assisting the healing. This is what she had to say.
“Despite the sleep situation, there are still many things I am grateful for in my healing journey with you. My knees/legs and anxiety continue to improve. My knee/leg pain is a circulatory issue - anyone looking at my legs can plainly see. My toes were a deep purple at their worst times during the last 3 years and my knees reddish-purple, but they are much less so nowadays. More healing still needs to take place but this is a huge improvement. I have always had cold hands and feet all my life.
I continue to marvel at how I play my piano now, so different from the last 50 years. I have come to realize how much trauma had to be healed to achieve this that makes me so very grateful. I shared with you after the session, a huge piece about Mom's wrath thrown on me for requesting to stop piano. During the last session, the Guides showed you a keyboard when "manipulation" came up.
I don't remember her ever encouraging us to do anything but punishment would come easily. I never felt loved, not even the conditional love both parents were giving. As a young child, I already learned my needs was an inconvenience, that they did not matter to my parents. I learned never to speak up because I would only be squashed. It dawned on me a few days ago that playing piano is a form of self-expression (duh!), something denied to me from day one. That was another layer of trauma why I could not play well because I had learned to disallow myself from expressing myself!
I told you that with my anxiety, my nerves felt like they were fried. It has been an insufferable experience in the last 3+ years. (I refused to take anti-depressants.) Before our sessions together, I often felt like my mood was being dragged through mud. What I mean is that I would often try my utmost to keep myself afloat that typically might last a day or two and then something would just pull me back down into despair. I knew I wanted to uplift myself but the force against it was overwhelmingly huge that it seemed like no amount of conscious will could counter it. I suppose it was again some programming happening in the subconscious fighting the conscious mind just like the piano situation.
I am so happy to tell you that I am generally in a much better mental space these days and my nerves much less in that fried state and with less intensity. The alleviation of the pain in the legs and knees also contribute to making me happier than when I had to endure physical pain as well.
I never knew the extent and depth of trauma I had endured just in this one lifetime in my childhood let alone all my other karma that I would have brought in. I suppose it's because I never knew how other kids grew up so I had no idea what was not normal until going through my healing journey. With my soul "sewn" back in now lol, I am hoping that I can connect back with my heart and my true essence soon. But I now know what I went through was very rough and I tell myself it is understandable that healing will take time. I allow myself kindness and compassion.”
There is still healing work to do but already my client has seen shifts in her energy that she never expected to see.
I love now that she hums whilst she cooks and us playing piano again. This is something she had not done for years and it brings so much joy now, not pain. Her physical reality is changing for the better and I am so privileged to be a part of this journey with her.
If you would like to learn more about the Soul Healing that I do, you can pop over to my website. If you feel drawn to work with me, you can book a free discovery call and we can discuss if we are an energetic match to work together.
Sending you all so much love and light.
Lorraine xx