Ramblings of a Spiritual Single Parent - October 2021
Updated: Oct 3, 2021
This may be the hardest blog I have had to write. The intention is not to trigger anyone and I hope that is the case.
It is September 30th and we are about to step into a new Month. The weather has certainly changed and feels very autumnal. The leaves are starting to change colour and shed. Beautiful colours line paths and roads as the autumn shades of yellow, red and brown appear.
It really is a time of letting go. Nature has a wonderful way of showing us the cycles of life. The times of rebirth and growth and the times of letting go and taking time out to plan and re-evaluate.
Today, was particularly hard emotionally for us in the Butterfield/Smith household. I‘m putting my heart on paper as I write this. My Dad, as some of you will be aware, has been very poorly and in hospital. He came home just over a week ago to hopefully recover. We were today advise that his care has now been changed to that of end of life care. Therefore, we are unsure of how long he may now be with us, but it's not as long as we had hoped for. I'm still praying for a miracle and who knows. He has carried so many experiences/emotions over his lifetime that he never had the opportunity to release. My Mum and Dad have been together 55 years and, as you can imagine, our hearts ache at this very sad time. There love is still as strong as it ever was. All my Dad wants is ice cream and kisses and all his family around him.
I know that many of you may have been in this very same situation. My intention with these blogs is to give you an insight into our life. Little did I know that this is something I would be sharing with you at this time. I've almost been living in a bubble, distracted and distant from my spiritual connections and soul family. I have had to remind myself to step back from the 3D reality and reconnect with my guides and angels, so that they may step in and guide me.
Our hearts are breaking but deep down we know that my Dad would not want to suffer. There have been so many unfortunate incidents over the last few weeks. My insight into Geriatric care has been eye-opening, shocking and disappointing. Unfortunately, we have witnessed that there is no real care for the elderly. This is probably quite a harsh statement and not everyone falls under this umbrella but it has sadly been our personal experience. Our elders are the people who taught us, who have loved us and looked after us. They hold all the wisdom of the world with them. They deserve respect and dignity when they get to this stage in their lives. If I could help eliminate suffering for everyone, I would.
My Dad is a very intelligent, proud man. He is always immaculately dressed and likes to be well preened. We are making sure that he maintains his dignity.
I have been very lucky to be surrounded by
loving, kind, generous friends who have supported me through this very difficult time. Working within the Akashic Records to make sure that all those negative thoughts/feelings/regrets are released. Working with my Dad's soul to help him heal and release any energies he needed to release in this lifetime. Letting the angels and guides help us all, as a family to get t
hrough a very emotional rollercoaster.
I am truly blessed to be part of a very loving family and truly grateful that I found my spirituality. It is a comfort in times of need and I hope that it provides comfort to my loved ones.
To have the opportunity to share these gifts and allow others to benefit from them Is such an honour. To see people change their perspectives, beliefs and lives is nothing short of a miracle. To know that we all have to ability to heal and change our experiences and show others how this is possible has been my life mission. As a healer and energy therapist, I have also had to acknowledge that I can only do so much. For my Dad my wish is that he is at peace, happy and content. We all have a soul journey and that can play out in so many different ways. We always have a choice of how that may be, with free will to change at any time, and sometimes our soul contract expires and it is time to leave this mortal plane.
We are all energy and we are all very powerful beings, if we choose to be. It is also important to acknowledge that not everyone is on the same journey or wants to heal.
To be alive and to Live are two different things. Experiences come along with many different lessons so always live life to the full and never regret anything.
It is also to remind us all that you never know what anyone else is going through or their situation. To be loving and kind whenever you can. Always step away from situations that may seem unpleasant and take a higher perspective.
I would also like to thank you all for your prayers and words of comfort and healing.
To find out about all the groups/servi
ces I run go to:
You will also see the new course that I am running Soul’s Journey to Love. A chance to release blocks/programs and beliefs on a soul level. Accessing your Akashic Record (the book of your souls journey) to allow these energies to clear. Clearing the way for you to experience life the way you desire.
This course starts on 13th October 2021. The cost is £275 for the three months (this can be paid monthly at £99 pm for three months) and includes two monthly group healing sessions, access to the New Moon and Full Moon Ceremonies, as well as a half an hour one too e healing session with myself.