Ramblings of a Spiritual Single Parent - November 2021
November has been particularly emotional. My Dad's funeral was on 11th November, Armistice Day. A wonderful way to say goodbye to this very special person in our lives. Dad served in the Royal Artillery when he was a young man and therefore, seemed very fitting that we celebrate him on this auspicious occasion. He would have been so proud.
Things in our household are slowly going back to normal. We have days when emotions run high and just being is all that we can do. It is really important to acknowledge how you feel and don't try to push against the tide. We, as humans, always feel we need to carry on or ignore what we are feeling. That's not the case; cry if you need to cry, scream out loud, if you need to scream out loud. The sooner you release your emotions, the sooner you can bring yourself back into you. If you try to push ahead, your energy interferes with all that you are trying to achieve. Having worked with releasing emotions through EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it has taught me not to hold onto all these lower vibrational emotions. When we carry them with us, everything and everyone else gets the impact of how you feel. By releasing them, we stop them growing into emotional blocks or stories that don't serve us.
I have found that it is also important to acknowledge that each of us deals with grief or loss in different ways. Ruby, my youngest, for example, has cried and let go. The story of my Dad does not follow her in her every day. My middle daughter, Violet, is quiet and controlled about how she feels. Whereas, Lauren, will be fine one minute and frustrated another, with no real reason. I, well, I can be focused on a goal, driven and determined and then sobbing the next minute. Waves of emotion passing through me but I never stop it in those private moments. I ask the angels and guides to show me what I need in that moment. Sometimes it is soothing music, an inspirational speaker or a quiet meditation, sometimes I just need to tap, When I work in my groups or one to one, I always set the intention that the work we do is for them and their greatest and highest good. I step into holding the space and I channel to let spirit do the work they need to do in that moment. Whether it be to pass a message on or guide the healing process.
My work has been a blessing during this very difficult time. Processing grief is never easy for anyone. My Akashic Record work has also been so healing for me. I have suffered with a very sore left arm and elbow since my Dad passed and I knew that it was trapped emotions that were causing the pain. When I worked with the pain it was related to shock, holding on and initially I felt unsupported. My story being, 'who was there for me?' Something that has been running in my energy field for a long time, especially being a single parent. I entered the Akashic Records and worked and cleared the beliefs and programs that I was running at a soul level. Needless to say, my elbow is better and I know that I am always supported.
I have to thank my wonderful friends too for all their support, you know who you are. Whenever I have needed you, you have been there. To be able to talk and not hold on to the stories that were going around and around in my head. To help clear energies and heal. To feel supported and heard. It is important to have people who you trust and feel safe with to share. That is why the groups are so lovely on Tuesday and Thursday. They are a great way to keep yourself balanced and supported.
The end of the November is drawing near and we are all thinking about Christmas and the New Year. What would you like your 2022 to look like. Are there things that you didn't achieve this year that you are determined to achieve next? What stops you from reaching your goal? I ask myself these questions every year, so that I can work with the energies or resistance and remove the blocks/patterns.
If you feel that there are patterns, behaviors, physical ailments or beliefs that you need to release and let go of and you feel drawn to me, you can go to my website to book below:
You will also find that you can book a Private Tarot Reading here
If you feel that one of the groups may benefit you pop over to this page to subscribe:
Thank you for reading my blog and being part of my journey.
Love always
Lorraine xx