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Powerful Healing using the Akashic Records

Writer's picture: Lorraine ButterfieldLorraine Butterfield
Accessing the Book of Life

When I first heard of the Akashic Records there was an air of mystery and intrigue. What is this magical place that everyone keeps talking about? Where is it and how can I access it? This magical ethereal place where the secrets to the soul are held. I had so many questions and there was just one thing to do, step onto a course of learning.

Just imagine being able to access the programs from the journey that your soul has taken. Being able to release these heavy burdensome stories that were never true, carried from lifetime to lifetime of existence. Granting the ability to live life in a higher vibrational state.  Attracting what is truly aligned to your soul’s mission here on earth. Connecting with the Akashic Record Guides, Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters who bring in their healing processes and assistance. That’s the journey I took over three years ago now and I’ve never looked back.

The transformation within myself and others that I have personally witnessed in such a short amount of time is incredible.  It was so worth the journey and the investment.

When I access the Akashic Records these days, I’m shown things that I could never imagine I would have be shown. My guides give me symbolism, images and words that connect the dots. The stories in other lifetimes that have held an energetic frequency to affect current lifetimes. Programs and beliefs of unworthiness, fear of success and fear. All playing out. You are energy and whatever frequencies you are holding on to, are influencing your decision making and your current reality that you are experiencing.

Withing the Akashic Records, it has become apparent how important the Light Language is in clearing frequencies. Frequencies that you have held from other dimensional lifetimes that can only be transformed and transmuted with sound.

This work changes lives and I am so grateful for all that it brings within my healing toolbox. I have seen clients who could not feel or express their feelings suddenly feel connected to themselves again. Clients who couldn't see the joy in life, suddenly feeling the joy and happiness that had always escaped them. I have witnessed physical issues being healed which is life changing. I am so glad that I can now offer this training course. It feels like a privilege and a blessing. Being able to share my knowledge, tips, techniques and understanding and walk by your side as you develop your own special way of working within this etheric realm.

This is what one of the students from the last course said about the Soul Sound Healing Course:

"I have wanted to do this course for so long. I knew that I was accessing a higher realm and this course has helped me to navigate safely through the Akashic Records process and teach me to trust my intuition and guidance. I have felt nurtured and safe throughout this whole process and Lorraine continues to support me on my journey. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wishes to learn how to access and work with the Akashic Records." Jane

If you feel that it is time for you to discover how powerful this therapy can be?  Whether you want to do this for your own personal development, or you would like to become a Practitioner.  The Soul Sound Healing is opening its' doors again on 7th January. Within this online course I guide you, via video, step-by-step through the stages of learning. Plus you get access to me via a private Facebook group where I will keep in contact and do Live feeds to monitor your progress. This is an accredited 10 week certified course. My support of this course continues way after the learning has happened until you feel confident in how to utilise this wonderful therapy.

Soul Sound Healing in the Akashic Records starts on 7th January.  7 being the number of spiritual growth.

To join you just need to pop over to the website.  Payments can be made in full or instalments.

I look forward to this magical journey together.

Much love,

Lorraine xx

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