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Anything is Possible...... ​ What's your Dream? What beliefs no longer serve you? ​ You can change


Today I am writing about how we can turn things around and make the impossible possible. About 5/6 years ago I started to write. I had been in an abusive relationship and I was still going through the process of a very painful divorce where I was required to attend court many times to try and come to some amicable agreement with regard to the children's contact arrangement with their father. Never did I ever feel I would carry on writing and get to a point where I have now written a book and I'm on the verge of finding a publisher. My journey has been one that possibly many people have and I hopefully have the chance to help others to see there is light at the end of the tunnel. It has been a long journey but very cathartic getting to write it all down.

My update on my book as at November 2017 is that I have a publisher who has advised that my book is very good quality and gripping and the hope is to get it published by January 2018. This is fantastic news and a real example of how a wish has come true. The book is called 'When Love Turns to Harm' and as soon as I have further details of publishing etc., I will let you know.

So what do you dream of doing? How can you make it happen? It may just take some baby steps but baby steps are the steps in the right direction. Have a vision of where you see your life going. Make a vision board. Cut out all the pictures that inspire you and create on the board what you want to manifest but most of all, how does it feel when you have reached your dream? It is that feeling that you need to tap into and believe that you already have your dream, whatever it may be. Make your dreams come true.


Lorraine x

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