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Becoming a Published author

My dream come true.....

Writing a book has been a six year long project.  It has taken heart and soul to write and I am so proud of my accomplishment.

The story follows the journey of the fun-loving Jennifer Smith.  It starts back in her home city of Hereford and then follows her as she moves areas and travels the world.  She falls into unfulfilling relationships and eventually finds herself in an abusive relationship.  Her strength of mind and determination bring her through the other end to a life of love and happiness. 

She shares the therapies that helped her come through her trauma and the self healing that restored her self-worth.  


A true story of how the  subconscious beliefs were manifesting in life experiences and how to break those thought patterns.

It is a gripping story and once you start to read, you won't want to put it down.

If you would like a copy of my book click the link:


"Couldn’t put it down! I so enjoyed reading this book on my weekend away. Any one going through a tough time can easily relate to Jennifer and her determination and bravery to always do right and put her children first. The story of a true and inspirational heroine, you cannot help loving her throughout all her struggles and ultimately her triumph!"

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