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Soul Healing  in the Akashic Records

I am a qualified Akashic Records Practitioner, but

What are the Akashic Records?

It is an ethereal place where your soul's journey has been stored.  Every experience from every lifetime in every dimension.  Some see it as a library and within this library is the book of life of every soul being.


I believe that our soul reincarnates and brings with it the beliefs and programs from the previous lifetime until it is satisfied that it has mastered the art of being on this earthly plain.

When you access the Akashic Records it is via meditation.  A lot of my clients experience this as a very deep relaxing trance state.  It is then time to check in with the programs and beliefs that are being held and release them.  As you release, new positive frequencies are integrated into your energy field.   Clients feel lighter and brighter.  

It is a place where spirit guides, angel and archangels come together to connect as you clear old programs and beliefs and spiritually grow and evolve.  

I offer group clearings at the beginning of every month (please chekc out the events page to find out dates), as well as more personal 1:1 Clearings, should you wish me to work with a specific issue.

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